Saturday, November 21, 2015

Globalization Impact into Indonesian Cultural

Author : Dede Fitria

Indonesian culture since ancient time is always changes, because of the society who really want a change of culture and the culture changes do rapidly because of influence globalization into Indonesian culture. The elements of globalization also included into local culture, national culture, and global culture, because of people should have much efforts to preserve and use indonesian culture along with all of indonesian culture. Beside that also handling about all of globalization impact which take a positive impact and negative impact. The pattern of society life now are different from past, it also due to of globalization. Besides that, globalization impact are development of advanced technologies that help humans but can also damage the mental and moral youth. Therefore, all of globalization elements needs to reviewed first.
Indonesian is biggest island states, from sabang to merauke and each region has a different cultures, the different cultures are characteristic of each of their respective regions. Indonesian is a country that has cultural also known as the country with the social environment culture that is characterized by the values of life are friendly, people who had manners, and peaceful society. In Indonesian also a lot of ancient remains a culture that is diverse neighborhood well in the form of a complex as human activity, traditional, and all it needs to be preserved, be preserved and utilized.
But as the development of the times and in the world culture in the era of globalization had made a significant difference and the changes that could lead to a positive direction and towards negative, all the changes must be wary if the changes to negative point, positive impact that can be felt from globalization is the progress of technology that has been giving up easy for everyone to communicate, etc. The negative impact that is like the values of Indonesian culture when it was contaminated with western culture so this really have an impact on the pattern of human life, for example, the manner of dress, manner of social, foods and drinks banned and the most unfortunate is to start the erosion of awareness of the local culture which is something that for generations such as customs, dances, traditional songs etc.
Care and public awareness has decreased and dispose no matter of traditional culture, an effort to preserve and maintain the culture has dropped so much a culture which claimed by other countries, such as pendet dance, batik, reog ponorogo, and many more. This is because the people not respect and not interest of local cultures.
Culture in society is always changes and changes occurred when a cultural contamine from other culture. The impact of globalization changes life patterns of Indonesian society, especially in local culture affected, change of culture are happens can not be separated from the role of the community. All the things that concerns about globalization needs to be reviewed, how the impact of globalization to local culture, national and global? How to preserve the heritage of culture that has been there? All the questions it needs to be thorough and find answers to keep the Indonesian culture with the values of culture.
To be able cope with the change of culture as a result of globalization needs to be reviewed how the impact of globalization on culture, how the preservation and utilization of cultural heritage first, after that Indonesian people has to participate in maintaining and preserving it, the changes happen  because of the nature and human nature is always wanted to change and to get something new.
To deal with the impact of globalization, first to be assessed in detail the new elements that go to in it find where the culture that is positive and which elements of a culture that is negative. Because if globalization is not balanced with concern and sensitivity public on the elements of the culture that goes to just accept and implement the elements and the values of globalization, it will be on the situation are concerned, the elements of the culture which will be removed and a long time, the Indonesian culture will lose an identity.
Indonesian has many culture that is extremely diverse and it also had different, every ethnicity to build and develop their culture is through these experiences ever experienced and also through knowledge, which he so that the nation has always evolved over time and the development of the time. The presence of the influence of other cultures to culture the local will make the changes, both changes that are supportive.
Although the changes that actually carries a negative impact. Get in the elements of cultural foreign actually been happening since time immemorial, for example the presence of Hinduism and Islam have an effect on the cultures of the nation in Indonesia the western part of such as Java and Sumatra, in addition to the culture of other nations who came into the country like the Portuguese, Spanish, and the Netherlands also affects cultures of the regions in Indonesia, a lot of culture which makes the local culture is in a new and confusing, where the situation on the role of the community, whether to retain cultural needs of locality in the values of local original or culture foreign to bring bad things to culture.
In each of culture have values that must be complied with and values are also used as a basis to act and behave in everyday life. Various cultural values contained in terms of culture are maintained and preserved through the cultivation, protection and carried out by their families and all walks of life. And if it ignores the values of the nation culture or region was regarded as a resistance and cheat about of an ancestor who had left it.
Place and the pattern of life between villagers and city has been on the development of culture, city people who tend to ignore and disregard the values of cultural area and it emphasizes the modernization, it is also due to the influence of cultural global, who currently have plagued the world were both the world children, adolescents and parents. In contrast to the life patterns of rural communities are still primitive but has a culture, to consider that the values of culture which is owned by better than the values of other culture. For example, in a rural areas is still using traditional in their daily communication, thus their respective members of the community will identify themselves with the elements of a culture that exists as something that should be held so that from where the values of primordial ooze of national culture is built and developed.
Indonesian have a diverse culture and tribal peoples varies from one area with other areas, but all the difference is not something that should be questioned, but it actually is something that must be united as the slogan "Unity in diversity", which means different but still one and as the contents of by these vows the joining of your youth on 28 October 1928 after it then all elements of the Indonesian people united even in a culture is different. Guidelines to build and develop culture is listed in the UUD 1945 (Artice 32). It is said :
“Negara memajukan kebudayaan nasional Indonesia di tengah kebudayaan dunia dengan menjamin kebebasan masyarakat dalam memelihara dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai budayanya.”
It is mean nation culture is culture as a result of the cultivation of the Indonesian people. Old and original which there are as the tops of culture in areas across Indonesia are considered as a nation culture. The business culture that has to go to the progress of culture, culture and unity, with not reject the new materials from cultures alien who can to develop and enrich the nation culture and increase the degree of humanity.
Nation culture can be used as the identity of the Indonesian state that gives the characteristics and typical of Indonesia through works that have been created. Nation culture can in the form of elements or symbols used as basic and key in the association of everyday living like a symbol of culture of daily life is helping, the use of the Indonesian language as a means of communication with the used as a language unifying, in addition to instill a sense of the soul of nationalism, in the lecture is still applied the subjects of Pancasila and Citizenship. In addition, need to build awareness that culture is culture that belongs to all the people of Indonesia so in a way is expected to be together keeps its culture of the Indonesian state and feel that this culture is culture itself should be maintained and preserved.
At the time local culture grown to be part of our culture, global culture emerging rapidly. Globalization  easily can be directly seen and enjoyed by the public so that it is in the near future can bring an enormous impact on people's lives, the influence of culture the global can have a positive impact can also have a negative impact.
Globalization give a positive impact for example the progress of a sophisticated technology so as to provide convenience for people in communicating with others without knowing the time and place, but it also benefits the ease with which we often use and enjoy every day. But in addition to the positive impacts there is also a negative impact associated with the phenomenon of social, cultural, among others, such as the environmental damage as a result of technological advances that are used in the exploitation of natural resources in a lot of money, and it will be very detrimental to the community, especially people who are still stuttering technology.
The patterns and habits of the city and the community is the hedonism or the desire to control things that smelled of the world dankonsumerisme, especially in big cities is often the case of dispute between the rich with which is rich in so that it has resulted in social inequality in society. The economy only to pursue eksistensidiri. Even the community feel proud with the cultures of traditional areas, especially people who live in the city. They're assuming it is something that no model to follow even be considered as a culture of primitive.
Because in the culture globally there are two kinds of side has to offer namely the positive and negative sides, then in receiving the culture has to be really good at reviewing it, sort out with the impact which that brings the positive side, thus the people of Indonesia will continue to keep the nation culture.

Entry of globalization era in the context of culture in the tradition in Indonesia has introduced new values, the values of the new can affect the lives of individuals, society, environment, social and environmental tradition. The value and the elements of the new change a very significant to the customs and traditions.
For example on everyday, language learning also a foreign language this is because there are some people who think that learning a foreign language a bit cooler than the same language area that is already outdated and prestige. This resulted in lack of knowledge of the new generation of regional language not even hint of people who today who can not use local language, such as the java language, when this rare for young people who are using the java language of fine if talking to people who are older, this is because the limited knowledge about the java language. As soon as possible be addressed then all of the culture is set to fade and there is no conservation and management if there is no people are aware of the importance of our nation culture.
Every region in Indonesia has a culture that is different, culture, customs and traditions is the hallmark of their respective regions, and this includes the rules of living together in society, as a basis in the association, and the most important is how we can maintain the value of culture in the mid of globalization. At the time of our ancestors, Indonesia is considered to be of mutual help rescue high respect for others, courtesy upheld as when a child is young or younger to talk with older people using language that is smooth and with courtesy than that of Indonesia famous friendliness of the people, but for now all the circumstances and the condition is changed significantly. This change occurs within the context of simple as well as in the context of a very complex, simple examples in everyday life is how to dress, how to dress that was once polite, closed and not glamorous but the situation is now different. Not a few of the young people who today dress more open, less according to the circumstances and the situation, glamor and extravagance, starting from the state of simple then into the complex by imitating western culture example is culture free sex today has become commonplace, hedonism, the habit of people to live rah-rah, drinking rampant, drug use, degradation of moral and mental greatly decreased and the effects of technological progress very sophisticated also affect the morale of society from young children to parents though.
According to Jennifer Lindsay in his book, 'Cultural Policy And The Performing Arts In South-East Asia', told the policy of cultural in Southeast Asia when this effectively change traditional art , both in the intervention, treatment, policies without direction, and no attention is given the government to the policy of cultural or the context of cultural.
Indeed, the advancement of technology has made it easier in many aspects of community life, but besides that it also has a negative side which is fatal for example, with easy access to information using the Internet can be misused to access things that are negative as pornography, porno-action that it very damaging to the moral personality especially if the access is children, it would be a negative impact to prospective future generation. In addition, through television can also give a great influence on all levels of society, both negative and positive effects influence. Moreover, the television into something that is global in everyday life and this can be witnessed by all people directly so that the impact will rapidly spread, to the current television institutions along with global circulation that occurs as the advertising, promotion. In addition due to the globalization of television networks that broadcast many of the foreign network, it will greatly influence the development of culture.
The heritage of culture may include the legacy of physical and the legacy of non-physical, the legacy of the basically has distinctive features to their respective regions. Therefore any heritage of culture need to be preserved and utilized to heritage of culture is still awake. Preserve culture means indirectly had to fix the people of Indonesia, because in the life of society culture is something complex does not run by itself but involving all members of the community, thus the strong culture in a society then the harmony and peace will be achieved in the community, for example in the society is still maintained the culture of mutual cooperation and if culture is still awake then in the establishment of the gaps and social jealousy.
In an effort to preserve their culture there must be a component that became the executor, the executor component may include the community. Culture is fundamental for the community so expect all levels of society can participate, in addition to the public there is also a government that is responsible for the implementation, besides educators, politicians, journalists also have to participate in a way act in accordance with their respective roles. As an example of a teacher must be able to educate their students to develop a sense of care for the nation's culture. This way, if a sense of awareness is embedded in the souls of the young generation for the future of culture will be maintained and will terbenahi. If all walks of life have implemented awareness and awareness of the culture of the nation, it is expected that the culture will be maintained and preserved well.
In addition to the components of the executor is also no action is carried out, in terms of conservation measures that can be implemented is the need to know beforehand cultures possessed, whether it be cultural customs and traditions and cultures that exist in everyday life. Once it receives the values ​​of the culture due to globalization with open but that does not mean directly accept these values ​​and apply them in culture, but prior to filter where the value is good and which are bad value.
It is still evident in this life is the preservation of the culture by preaching using the gamelan as practiced by Emha Ainun Najib, or better known as Cak Nun, Cak Nun other than a propaganda also a humanist therefore besides preaching to spread Islam, he also preserve gamelan Javanese culture is used as an intermediary in the message. It is for example in the preservation of culture as well as a characteristic of the culture of their respective regions.
            According to Effendi (in Tuloni Nani et al, 2003: 18) argues that "cultural heritage is very appropriate if used for human resource development"
From this quote means that in improving the quality of human resources must first be put forward which does not accept the moral cultural values ​​that are negative, thus manusianyapun people or resources will be arranged in a pattern of life.
Culture also has the function of each elements it contains, and the function is no link between the elements one with the other elements, therefore, if there is a change in one element, the other element that will change as well.
               According to Radcliffe-Brown and Kaplan (in Nani Tuloli et al, 2003: 10) is a cultural system has certain requirements to allow the existence, or cultural systems that have needs that must be met in order to survive, and if not met then the system will disintegrate and die
From this quote function of culture can be maintained if there are conditions and the parties that support the course of the culture, because in the preservation of a culture that is very important is people or people who have that culture, and function of culture can be maintained if it can align with the development and the progress of time but if you can not sync them then there is going to change the functions that are not supposed to.

Friday, November 28, 2014

mozila firefox bermasalah

Halo readers.
Maafkan aku udah sebulan hiatus. Soalnya koneksi internet yang sangat buruk dan chrome rusak, mozila ngadat.
Sekarang aku share aja ya..

Chrome aku rusak gara2 ato mesin pencarian apalah itu. Mozila aku bjsa untungnya masih bisa diselamatkan. Caranya uninstal qvo, hapus semua data qvo di pc. Dan langkah terakhir ganti setingan mesin pencarian di mozila dan chrome. Sayangnya meskipun udh dihapus, chrome aku tetap terinfeksi. Kalo mozila udah sembu.

beberapa minggu yang lalu, aku update youtube downloader (ytd). Biasanya kalo update gaada masalah. Nah pas waktu itu abis selesai diinstal, fb, twitter, dan sosmed lain ga bisa dibuka. Pokonya yang tentang sertifikat gitu. Tapi kan biasanya di bawahnya ada i understand the risk. Nah ini gaada. Sedangkan youtube tampilannya jadi kaya gagal.loading. Kalo buat google dan blog masih lancar.

Terus sama temen aku history di hapus semua terus gatau mencet apa. Ehh malah gq bisa buka blog.

Terus aku instal program apa ya? Pokonya yang buat hapus maleware. Dan hasilnya, mozila aku bener bener ga bisa di pake.

Nah aku minta tolong lagi. Ternyata proxy aku berubah jadi manual. Tinggal di auto, dan selesai semua. Yeee..

Tapi sekarang masalahnya di rumah gaada sinyal. Jadi jarang update.

Kesimpulannya hati hati kalau ngeinstal takutnya ada program boncengan. Sama cobain ngebenerin sendiri deh. Biar nambah ilmu. Tapi nanya juga perlu.

That's all. See u next month

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Sebelum ke inti, kita bahas per kata :

Pahlawan (Sanskerta: phala-wan yang berarti orang yang dari dirinya menghasilkan buah (phala) yang berkualitas bagi bangsa, negara, dan agama) adalah orang yang menonjol karena keberaniannya dan pengorbanannya dalam membela kebenaran, atau pejuang yang gagah berani (Wikipedia)[n] orang yg menonjol krn keberanian dan pengorbanannya dl membela kebenaran; pejuang yg gagah berani


  • 1a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities:a war hero
  • the chief male character in a book, play, or film, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize: the hero of Kipling’s story
  • (in mythology and folklore) a person of superhuman qualities and often semi-divine origin, in particular one whose exploits were the subject of ancient Greek myths.

Dari Definisi tersebut kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa pahlawan adalah orang yang mempunyai keberanian untuk mengorbankan dalam membela kebenaran.

Dalam cerita perwayangan dikenal tokoh Arjuna dari Pandawa dinilai sebagai pahlawan yang membela kebenaran dari kebatilan. Pahlawan juga dipandang sebagai orang yang dikagumi atas hasil tindakannya, serta sifat mulianya, sehingga diakui sebagai contoh dan tauladan.

Pahlawan sering dikaitkan dengan keberhasilan dalam prestasi gemilang dalam bidang kemiliteran. Pada umumnya pahlawan adalah seseorang yang berbakti kepada masyarakat, negara, bangsa dan atau umat manusia tanpa menyerah dalam mencapai cita-citanya yang mulia, sehingga rela berkorban demi tercapainya tujuan, dengan dilandasi oleh sikap tanpa pamrih pribadi.